Our Rebuilding Resilience eBook is designed to help you listen to your body and recognise what your symptoms are telling you. We teach you all about the stress response, mood and overall wellbeing and give you the tools, tricks and hacks to rebuild your physical and mental resilience.
Eliminating stress completely is impossible but finding a way to live peacefully with it is essential. We will teach you all about resilience and give you the tools, tricks and hacks to slay the tiger – or at least enjoy it’s company!
We've been there in stress hell and understand completely. We have written this unique Rebuilding Resilience eBook to teach you how to get your diet and lifestyle in sync with your body so that you embrace this precious journey we call LIFE!! Filled with over 40 pages of practical tips, tools, meal ideas and advice this eBook is exactly what you need.
This eBook comes FREE with our Stress Essentials Collection or you can purchase the eBook separately.
Our eBooks have been researched and written by us - Dana and Amanda. We are both Registered Naturopaths, Nutritionists and Medical Herbalists and have brought this wealth of knowledge to everything we do. We promise you 100% natural, evidence based, therapeutic knowledge and information to harness all the healing power of nature and bring nurturing change to your life.